Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bag Day

I did a lot of weird things while writing my Jersey Shore book: pet an alpaca, gawked at Miss American gowns, joined up with a "divorce party" at the Tropicana. I even sorta somewhat crashed a wedding.

But what I'm about to see today might top all of that: Bag Day.

Bag Day will be held all day today at the Atlantic City outpost of the Irish Pub. The idea is that you are so hung over from St. Paddy's day that you need to cover your face with a paper bag to show up at the bar -- and keep on drinking. I've been advised to bring a bag, wear green and wear shoes that can get dirty.

I won't get down there until later today because, um, I have real work to do. But rest assured, I am going armed with a camera and my notebook. The camera might even be taking some video. Should be an interesting time.

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Michelle Jeffers said...

I've never heard of anything like that, I can't wait to see the pictures!

iconjohn said...

I'll keep "bag day" on my calenday for next year which gives me good reason to drink on a Wednesday